According to www.localnews8.com there has been another push by organizations to raise the tax on cigarettes as high as another $1.25 in hopes to prevent new smokers taking up the habit. A recent poll suggested that three-quarters of voters agreed on this tax hike. If this happens you can expect huge sales for the electronic cigarette companies out there and more people making the switch to e-cigs also known as smokeless cigarettes and e cigarettes. Aaron Hill, of Vapor ultra says, "usually around the new years, sales go up about 35% because of everyone's attempt of dropping the habit and sticking to their new years resolutions. But it hasn't declined and has stayed at a steady pace, we believe it's because of the news of another tax hike on traditional cigarettes."
Electronic cigarettes come in many different designs, Vapor Ultra has a unique design that looks and feels just like a traditional cigarette. It's a simple two piece design that includes a battery and a cartridge. You screw in a cartridge, that has your choice of flavor and your desired nicotine level, into the battery and you smoke just like you would be smoking a regular cigarette. Each electronic cigarette refill cartridge is equal to 1 pack of traditional cigarettes and Vapor ultra sells 5 of them for $8. That's like paying under $1.91 for a pack of smokes! By switching to electronic cigarettes, users save around 75% a year by making the switch. When you add that factor in with having no tar, no 4000+ chemicals, no second hand smoke, no smoke smell and being able to smoke anywhere. It's easy to see why so many brands like Vapor Ultra are seeing a sales increase this year.
Hill states, "I don't feel that this tax hike will do much, I understand they they think if they raise the price that less can afford it and will not buy cigarettes. Also, I understand that this could bring in around 50 million a year more on taxes. BUT, this could do just the opposite, if this does work then there would be a lot less sales for cigarettes and the state could lose money. Plus, everyone knows the risks of tobacco but everyone makes the choice to ignore it."
Localnews8.com is also reporting that traditional cigarette smokers like, Kady Schultz of Oceanside, CA are outraged by the new tax hike. "I don't think it's right to just raise taxes on a single product, why not alcohol then, it causes harm to your body as well. At least cigarettes don't cause deaths from car accidents. I will quit if this happens, absolutely I will. That or make the move to electronic cigarettes."
Electronic cigarette companies like VaporUltra.com have kits that will help make the switch to electronic cigarettes or to quit smoking in general. Instead of doing the "cold turkey" approach, Vapor Ultra offers their "Tapering Off Kit". It comes with a Carrying case, 2 batteries, usb charger, car charger, wall charger and 23 cartridges. The kit starts you off with 8 nicotine "high" cartridges, once you are done with that you move to 5 "medium" nicotine cartridges, then 5 "low" then to 5 non-nicotine cartridges. It allows you to do it in steps and gradually lowers your nicotine intake allowing a steady and painless way to quit the habit.

With more people hearing the success stories of people using e-cigs to quit smoking and the benefits of smoking these alternatives, its obvious why sales have increased dramatically in the past year for these companies. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional smoking, www.VaporUltra.com features some of the best electronic smokeless cigarettes available at unbeatable prices, same day shipping and 24hr customer support. You can also place an order toll free at 888-619-5646.
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